I live in a brick house built in the mid 1800’s in Virginia. It is a lovely property situated on the Rivanna River. In the winter the first thing I see when I get up is the waterway winding its way downstream. The view is different every day. This morning the water was olive green, and at the rapid white crested ripples revealed a medium flow.
It poured down rain Christmas Eve and the Rivanna filled with muddy runoff as she roared southeast towards the James River. Tree trunks, a half inflated Santa Claus and a green Happy Birthday Balloon sped by. I stood in my living room following the serpentine run of brown water, feeling the power, amazed by the never ending surge.
The River is alive and for the most part a comforting presence. When life is stressful I walk down to the riverbank, take a seat in an Adirondack chair, and stare. Staring at the water is mesmerizing and it releases my worries. It could be the negative ions, plentiful in moving water and said to bring vitality and energy.